SCA General Rules

 All rules will be followed as described on the SCA website

  • Cooks may cook on any fire or heat source. (Wood, charcoal, gas, electric, pellet, sous vide, etc.)  
  • SCA events are judged by a panel of judges under a “blind judging” format. 
  • Each cook/registrant is encouraged to have some type of fire extinguishing device in their cook site. 
  • The cookoff promoter/organizer provides all competition steaks for the event to create a level playing field. No other ribeye steaks are allowed at a cook’s site. Any cook found using outside ribeye’s will be banned from competing in the SCA. 
  • The SCA standard for steaks is a minimum of 1 1/8” or 3cm (about 1.18 in) thick, boneless, choice ribeye steak. 
  • Official turn-in times will be announced at the cooks’ meeting are the official times and will not be changed once announced. Rep may make timeline exceptions based on weather or other circumstances. 
  • Standard judging tables are 5 judges (based upon the number of judges available, a rep may use 4 judges). If 4 judges are used, the 5th judge is added as a perfect score.  
  • Cooks cannot register for multiple events in different cities on the same day.  
  • Cooks should sign the turn-in ticket at the time of turn in on the numbered side. 
  • The spouse of an SCA Rep is not allowed to cook in any event that their spouse is officiating.  
  • More than one cook may use the same site and grill. Each registrant must cook their own steaks and may only turn in one steak per competition. 
  • SCA Certified Judges must have completed an SCA Certified Judges Class and be an SCA member in good standing. 
  • In case of a total tie score (score is tied in all categories), the prize money will be split between the cooks. Example: A total tie between two cooks for first place. The prize money from first and second place will be added up and divided between the cooks. The Rep will flip a coin to decide who gets which trophies.  
  • Each cook may only register 1 entry per ancillary and 1 entry per steak category. (on a double, a cook may enter for both steak A and Steak B) 
  • If a registered cook notifies the Rep in advance that they will be arriving late, another cook may select their steaks for them. The cook on site will draw a chip in the absent cook’s name and pick for them in the order of that token. Then, after selecting the second steak, the on-site cook will give the absent cook’s steaks to the SCA Rep, who will hold onto the steaks until the absent cook arrives. 
  • A cook must get approval from the SCA Rep to allow someone else to select their steaks for them. 
  • If a cook must leave before the awards, they must inform the SCA Rep and tell them who they are giving their ticket to. SCA Reps should not hold a cook’s ticket. 
  • If a cook wants to register after the cooks’ meeting begins, they can do so, but they must wait till registered cooks complete their steak selections. 
  • You do not need to be a member of SCA to participate in SCA events. However, only SCA members are eligible to collect points and win a Golden Ticket to the SCA World Championship.
  • The minimum age to compete in any adult category is 13 years old. Each cook must do their own steak selections, seasoning, cooking, and steak turn at the event. 
  • If a certified judge wants to cook and judge on the same day, they may cook Steak A and judge Steak B only and MUST attend both the cooks’ and judges’ meetings.  
  • The SCA logo is trademarked and cannot be used to sell merchandise without SCA’s consent. 
  • All decisions by SCA Reps at an event are subject to office review.  
  • If an overall GC (Grand Champion) is awarded, the promoter is responsible for determining the winner. 
  • Every event registration must be open to at least 30 cooks to qualify for SCA Points and a Golden Ticket.  
  • All steak cookoffs must be booked by November 1st for the season-ending December 31st, and no additional ancillaries may be added 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) before an event date after November 1st.