All rules will be followed as described on the SCA website
- Steaks may be cooked on any fire or heat source.
- Cooks may register for either Steak A or Steak B but must let the SCA Rep know at check-in.
- Steaks may be lightly trimmed before but not after cooking.
- Steaks may not be marked or branded in any way. (Grill marks are not considered marking).
- Turn in one steak, whole and uncut, on top of the provided foil disk. The provided foil disks must be placed in the box, silver side up, and not folded in any way. The steaks will be judged as presented in the box.
- No sauce or garnish is allowed in the steak turn-in box. Compound butter is permitted if it is melted on the steak. Pooling of NATURAL juices in the box is acceptable.
- Placement of the steak and inspection for foreign objects is the cook’s duty. The boxes will not be opened at the turn-in table.
- There are no size standards for the seasonings on the steak.
- Steaks are judged on Appearance, Doneness (Medium), Taste, Texture, and Overall Impression.
- Tiebreaker: Taste, Doneness, Texture, Appearance, and Overall Impression.
Reasons for a Steak DQ
- Any foreign object found in the turn-in box. (String, Toothpick, Skewer, etc.)
- A steak turned in after the turn-in window expired.
- Using ribeye steaks other than the ones provided by the promoter.
- Cooking a steak for another competitor or exchanging tickets to receive a Golden Ticket is a disqualification to both cooks.